jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

UNIT 13: Medieval Spain

  1. To associate the beginning of the Middle Ages with the fall of the Roman Empire.
  2. To name the Germanic tribes which invaded Hispania: the Vandals, Alans, Suevi and Visigoths.
  3. To learn that the Visigoths established a kingdom in Hispania, and Toledo was the capital.
  4. To link the Visigoth kings with the unification of the territory, religion and laws throughout the peninsula.
  5. To know that the Muslim invaded the peninsula in the year 711 and called it Al Andalus.
  6. To understand what taifa kingdoms were.
  7. To recognise the four kingdoms the Christian territory was divided into around 1230.
  8. To learn that the Catholic Kings conquered Granada, the last Muslim kingdom, in 1492.

UNIT 12: Prehistory and Antiquity

  1. To understand that Prehistory is the period extending from the time the first human beings appeared up to the invention of writing.
  2. To learn the characteristics of the two periods of Prehistory.
  3. To describe how men and women lived in Prehistory.
  4. To associate the bedinnings of history with the invention of writing.
  5. To learn about the ancient civilisations which inhabited the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity.
  6. To explain the Roman conquest of the peninsula and divisions of Hispania.
  7. To appreciate the history of Spain.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

Unit 11: The economy

  1. To define: active and inactive population; primary, secondary and tertiary sectors; domestic and foreing trade.
  2. To identify the activities involved in the three economic sectors.
  3. To explain the distribution of population in Spain by economic sectors.
  4. To study the primary sector.
  5. To examine the secondary sector.
  6. To describe the tertiary sector and distinguish between trade, transport, tourism, financial services and public services.
  7. To interpret maps, graphs, diagrams and photos.
  8. To recognise the importance of being a responsible consumer.