jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011


Valentine's Day love medley from Moulin Rouge. Satine and Christian fall in love despite many differences in their lives.

viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

SCIENCE: Unit 7 "Earth our planet"

  1. To describe the Earth's atmosphere, including its characteristics and layers.
  2. To distinguish the principal weather phenomena.
  3. To explain why the atmosphere is esssential to life on Earth.
  4. To identify the hydrosphere.
  5. To describe the water cycle.
  6. To learn about the geosphere and its parts.
  7. To explain what rocks are and identify some types.
  8. To recognise the changes produced on the surface of the Earth.
  9. To explain the importance of weathering in changing the surface of the Earth.